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Tips   View and run scheduled tasks

You can run two or more different scheduled tasks at a time. You cannot run a scheduled task that is already running.

Scheduled tasks run on the logical node defined in the ScheduledTasks.table file(s) for a partition (or CommonScheduledTasks.table for partition/None). You can view and run scheduled tasks on all partitions for which you have permission.

In the default configuration, the permissions required to view and run scheduled tasks are defined in the workspace configuration files. Permissions can be customized. For more information, see the Ariba Buyer Administrator Customization Guide.

If no scheduled tasks are listed for a partition, it may be that no scheduled tasks are defined for that partition or for the current workspace, or that you do not have permission to view them. In the default configuration, there are no partition-level scheduled tasks associated with supplier management (in the Supplier Manager and the Catalog Manager workspaces).

Related topics

View and run integration events


Screen details

To display the Scheduled Tasks screen, click Scheduled Tasks under a workspace in the Navigation Panel.

  1. View a list of scheduled tasks for a partition. By default, no partition is selected.
    • Select a partition from the pull-down menu to view a list of scheduled tasks for that partition.
    • To sort scheduled tasks by name or status, click a column header. Click the header again to change the sort order, as indicated by the arrow.
    • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  2. Run a scheduled task on demand, without waiting for the next scheduled time for that task to run. View the status of a scheduled task.
    • To view details and the status of the last run, click the status of a scheduled task.
    • Click Run to run a scheduled task. Then click OK, or click Cancel to return to the previous page without running the scheduled task. The Run button is hidden while a scheduled task is running.
    • To update the status, click Refresh Status. The status Running indicates a run is in progress.
    • A log message is created in the database audit log when a scheduled task is run.

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