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Tips   Relink partitioned supplier

You can only relink partitioned suppliers that are in your login partition.

After relinking partitioned suppliers, you may need to modify organization IDs to resolve any conflicts with shared organization IDs and to make sure that the common supplier includes all the organization IDs of its partitioned suppliers.

When you relink a partitioned supplier to the common supplier you are creating or editing, unused organization IDs associated with that partitioned supplier are removed from the original common supplier.

Related topics

Create common suppliers

Create partitioned suppliers

Edit common suppliers

Edit partitioned suppliers

Export common and partitioned suppliers


Screen details

To display the Suppliers - Choose Partitioned Supplier to Relink screen, click Relink from another Common Supplier on the Suppliers - Create Supplier screen or the Suppliers - Edit Supplier screen.


Relink an existing partitioned supplier to the common supplier you are creating or editing.

  1. Enter all or part of an existing partitioned supplier name in the search field, and then click Search or press Enter.
    • A list of partitioned suppliers that match the search criteria and that are currently linked to other common suppliers is displayed.
    • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  2. Click Select to select a partitioned supplier to relink to the common supplier you are creating or editing. Then click OK to relink the partitioned supplier, or click Cancel to return to the previous screen without relinking.
    • You are returned to the previous Create Common Supplier screen or Edit Common Supplier screen, and the relinked partitioned supplier is displayed in the list of partitioned suppliers.

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