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Tips   Control the display of data in tables

Check marks in the Table Options menu indicate active options. Click an active option to deselect it.

When you export table data to Excel, images are not exported.

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Lists of data, such as lists of requests, search results, or users (as in a chooser), are displayed as tables. Depending on your company's configuration and the type of data being displayed, you can use a combination of tools to display data in tables.

Table Options icon: Some tables provide an icon (Table Options icon) for the Table Options menu. Click the icon to display a menu of options:

  Use this option: To:
  Show/Hide Columns Select specific columns of data to display or hide. Some columns cannot be hidden. Note that when you export or print table data, all columns, even those hidden, are exported or printed.
  Group by Column Group similar data together. For example, you can group data by the Status column so that all requests whose status is Composing are grouped together, all requests whose status is Approved are grouped together, and so on.
  Export to Excel Export table data to an Excel workbook file (.xls). You can choose to export all rows of data or, if data is displayed across multiple pages, export only the rows on the current page.

Scroll bars: Some tables provide vertical and horizontal scroll bars, as necessary, to scroll through data without pagination. When you scroll large amounts of data, a progress bar indicates data is being loaded. Scrolling is available only when using Internet Explorer on Windows, and if your company has enabled it.

Minimize or Maximize icon: Some tables provide an icon for minimizing (Minimize Table icon) or maximizing (Maximize Table icon) the table. A maximized table displays more rows on the screen; a minimized table displays fewer rows. These icons are available only when using Internet Explorer on Windows.

Pagination controls: Some tables provide horizontal arrows and a pull-down menu above the table's column headers, for displaying other pages of data. Click an arrow to display the previous or next page or select a page from the pull-down menu.

Expand or Collapse icon: Some rows provide icons for expanding (Expand Row icon) or collapsing (Collapse Row icon ) rows of subcategory information.

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