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Tips   Add purchase order shipping details

You can change shipping information for the entire purchase order (PO), or selected line items. The shipping information defaults from the requisition, but can be changed when editing the PO.

Click any link in the Navigation Panel to go directly to that step.

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Edit line item shipping details

Edit a purchase order

Select a date


Screen details

To display the Add Shipping Details, click Shipping in the Navigation Panel while editing a purchase order.

  1. Review the default information and, if it is acceptable, continue to the last step. Otherwise, change shipping details as necessary:
    • For the the entire PO: specify a shipping location, user to whom to deliver the order, or date by which you need the order.
    • For a specific line item: click the arrow to display the line items details and then click Edit to display the Edit Line Item Shipping screen.
  2. Click Next to go to the next step in the process, or Summary to review and then submit (save) the order.

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