Ariba Online Help
Tips   Itemize expense items

The Itemize Expense Item screen displays the original item, called the parent item, at the top. The expense type for the parent automatically changes to Itemized.

Itemize is similar to the Split Accounting option, however, Itemize is for dividing a lump sum expense into different expense types. The Split Accounting option is for dividing an expense across multiple accounts. Use Split Accounting if you only need to divide an expense across accounts.

Related topics

Edit a line item

Add a new itemized item


Screen details

To display the Itemize Expense Item screen, click Itemize for a specific line item in the Create New Expense Item or Edit Line Item screen when completing an expense report.

  1. To edit any items that have already been itemized, click Edit.
  2. To add an itemization, click Create Item.
  3. To copy or delete an item, click the check box preceding the item and click Copy or Delete.
  4. When finished adding and editing items, click Update Total.
    • The Accounted For field shows the total amount of all items you entered and the Required to Balance field shows the amount you must add or subtract to balance the item total with the parent total. If this field is 0.00, the amounts balance.
  5. If the Required to Balance field is not 0.00, adjust the amount for each line item until they sum to the parent total, then click Update Total again.
    • If you conclude the parent total is incorrect, you can choose to replace the original parent total with the new total. To change the parent total, click Apply Accounted for Amount.
  6. Fix any errors:
    • If an i or ! icon appears in an expense line, the expense has violated a company guideline. Click the icon to display the Review Policy Guidelines Violations screen and read the guideline.
    • If you see the error message The line item contains one or more invalid fields, click the message to edit the item and fix the error.
  7. Click Done to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to cancel any changes.

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