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Tips   Reload expense guidelines

You can reinitialize expense guidelines on all partitions. An ExpenseGuidelines.table file does not exist for the SupplierDirect partition or for partition/None, since expense approvables cannot be created in these partitions.

In general, you first use the Config Files task in the Server Manager workspace to download the ExpenseGuidelines.table file for a partition to your local computer for editing. Then you upload the edited file back to the config/variants/variant/
directory for that partition. After uploading the edited file, you then reinitialize the expense guidelines for that partition.

In the default configuration, the permissions required to reinitialize expense guidelines are defined in the workspace configuration files. Permissions can be customized. For more information, see the Ariba Buyer Administrator Customization Guide.

Related topics

View and manage expense location types

Download and upload configuration files


Screen details

To display the Reload Expense Guidelines screen, click Reload Expense Guidelines under Travel & Expense Manager in the Navigation Panel.


Reload modified expense guidelines for a partition. By default, no partition is selected and the Reinitialize button is not enabled.

  • Select a partition from the pull-down menu and then click Reinitialize. The ExpenseGuidelines.table file for that partition is reloaded.
  • An information message is displayed when the ExpenseGuidelines.table file is reloaded successfully. An error message is displayed and a log message is created in the main log file(s) if any problem occurs while reloading expense guidelines.
  • Expense guidelines are also reinitialized when you restart Ariba Buyer.

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