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Tips   Shut down and restart your Ariba Spend Management application
If your Ariba Spend Management application is restarted, log settings for all nodes revert to their initial settings defined in the config/Parameters.table file.

To change database log settings and to change the logging level for the audit log category, you must modify the config/Parameters.table file and then restart your Ariba Spend Management application.

Related topics

About log settings

View and edit system parameters


You can shut down and restart your Ariba Spend Management application, or shut down and restart a logical node, in the following ways:

  • Use the administrative tools that come with the application server in which your Ariba Spend Management application runs.
  • For Ariba Buyer, use the stopbuyer and startbuyer commands.
  • For Ariba Category Management, use the stopacm and startacm commands.

For information on the application server administrative tools, and on the syntax and command-line options for the stopbuyer and startbuyer commands, see the Ariba Buyer Installation Guide. For information on the stopacm and startacm commands, see the Ariba Category Management Installation Guide.

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