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Tips   View and edit system parameters

Use caution when changing a parameter value. Changing a value can have an adverse effect on your Ariba Spend Management application. Parameter values are case-sensitive, and parameter values are not validated. Verify your change before saving to ensure there are no errors.

When you click OK to confirm your change, the change is saved immediately to the config/Parameters.table file. You must restart your Ariba Spend Management application for changes to take effect.

Certain system parameters are set during installation using your application's configuration program. To edit these parameters, you must use the configuration program, not your application's Administrator user interface. Otherwise, your changes will be overwritten the next time you run the program. For information on the parameters that are set using the configuration program, see the Ariba Buyer Configuration Reference Guide. For information on the configuration program, see the Ariba Buyer Installation Guide.

An asterisk (*) indicates that a parameter value has partition overrides. A value of "(not set)" indicates that a parameter does not have a default value in the Application section of config/Parameters.table. Instead, you set partition-specific values by adding or editing partition overrides. A value of "( )" (empty parentheses) indicates an empty vector (or list) of values.

If the config/Parameters.table file was previously edited and saved in an improper format, then an error message occurs when you try to access the Parameters task in your application's Administrator user interface.

If you have permission to view parameters, you can also edit parameter values. You can view and edit parameters on all partitions. In the default configuration, the permissions required to view and edit parameters are defined in the workspace configuration files. Permissions can be customized. For more information, see the Ariba Buyer Administrator Customization Guide.

Related topics

Shut down and restart your Ariba Spend Management application

Download and upload configuration files


Screen details

To display the Parameters screen, click Parameters under Server Manager in the Navigation Panel.

  1. Select a parameter to edit its value or view a description. By default, the list includes all parameters in the config/Parameters.table file.
    • To view all parameters, click List All.
    • To search for a specific parameter, enter all or part of a parameter name or value, and then click Search or press the Enter key.
    • To sort search results by parameter name, value or description, click a column header. Click the header again to change the sort order, as indicated by the arrow.
    • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  2. Edit a parameter value or view a description.
    • To view a parameter description and the full parameter value, click Edit. If a description is not available, the description of the parent parameter is displayed, if available. For more complete parameter descriptions, including examples, see the Ariba Buyer Configuration Reference Guide.
    • To edit a parameter value, click Edit, and then click Edit again to enter a new value. Click Save, and then click OK to save your change to the config/Parameters.table file. Click Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving your change.
    • No log messages are created when you edit a parameter value.
  3. Add, edit, or delete a partition override. A partition override allows you to specify a partition-specific parameter value that overrides the value in the Application section of the config/Parameters.table file. Click Save and then click OK to save your change to the config/Parameters.table file. Click Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving your change.
    • To add a partition override for a parameter, click Edit and then click Add. Select a partition from the pull-down menu and enter a value in the Value box.
    • To edit an existing partition override for a parameter, click Edit and then click Edit again to edit the partition override. Enter a new value for the parameter on that partition.
    • To delete one or more partition overrides for a parameter, click Edit. Select one or more check boxes for the partition overrides you want to delete. When you delete a partition override, the default value in the Application section of config/Parameters.table is used instead.

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