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Tips   View and download log files

You can download one log file at a time.

In the default configuration, the permissions required to view or download log files are defined in the workspace configuration files. Permissions can be customized. For more information, see the Ariba Buyer Administrator Customization Guide.

Related topics

Download and upload configuration files

View system metrics


Screen details

To display the Log Files screen, click Log Files under Server Manager in the Navigation Panel.

  1. Select a log file to view or download to your local computer. By default, the list includes all files in the logs directory.
    • To view all files, click List All.
    • To search for a specific file, enter all or part of the filename and then click Search or press the Enter key. By default, log files for all logical nodes and all file types (Active and Archive) are searched. To narrow the focus of the search, select a node from the pull-down menu, or select a file type. If you select No Choice, log files for all nodes are searched.
    • To sort search results by filename, file size, or date last modified, click a column header. Click the header again to change the sort order, as indicated by the arrow.
    • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  2. View or download the log file.
    • To view the file in your browser, click View.
    • To download the file to your computer, click Download to Client. The suffix 1 is appended to the filename automatically before the file is downloaded. For example, the file dbinit.txt is renamed dbinit.txt1. You can remove the suffix before saving the file.
    • No log messages are created when you download a log file.

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