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Tips   Accept a collaboration proposal or candidate

When you receive a collaboration proposal from a supplier in response to your collaboration request, you can accept the proposal, accept part of the proposal (if all line items on the request specify that they allow partial acceptance), or reject the proposal.

If the proposal contains candidates, you review each candidate on the proposal and accept the one that meets your criteria. If there is only one candidate, you can accept the entire proposal to accept that candidate.

If a supplier collaborated only on some items on your collaboration request, you can accept the proposal but continue collaborating on the remaining items. When you have accepted proposals for all items, you finish collaborating to end collaboration and send the requisition for final approvals.

Related topics

About collaboration

Edit a collaboration request

Finish collaborating


Screen details

To display the Accept Candidate or Accept Proposal screen, click the candidate or supplier name in the proposal, and then choose Accept or Accept Proposal from the pull-down menu.


Review the details of the proposal or candidate and take an action:

  • To mark this proposal or candidate as accepted and continue collaborating, click OK.
  • To accept this proposal or candidate and end collaboration, click Finish Collaborating.
  • To undo acceptance of a previously accepted candidate, click the candidate name, and then choose Clear Status from the pull-down menu.

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