Ariba Online Help
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Tips   Add or reply to comments

You can add comments that apply to a request or order, or to a specific item on a request. Comments are typically optional, but some companies require them to justify requests, items, or actions (such as denying requests or canceling orders).

After you add a comment, you can then view, reply to, or delete it. You can delete comments (and associated attachments) or add new comments before you submit or resubmit a request for approval. Once you submit a request, the comments are saved permanently.

Related topics

View comments

Add comments to a purchase order

View request details

Cancel a purchase order


Screen details

To display the Add Comment, Reply to Comment, or Cancel Order - Comments screen, click Add Comments, Reply to Comment, Resubmit, Cancel, or Cancel Order.

  1. Enter a comment in the Comments box.
    • For cancel orders, explain why you are canceling the order and the items being canceled.
    • For invoice reconciliations, click the check box to send your comments to the supplier through Ariba Supplier Network (Ariba SN). If the initial invoice did not originate from Ariba SN, no update is sent.
    • To include your comments or attachments on any associated purchase orders, click the check box.
  2. Click OK to save the comments or cancel an order, or click Cancel (or Done, in some cases) to return to the previous screen without saving comments or canceling an order.

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