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Tips   About notification messages

If your email system does not support links in email messages, the links might be implemented using email message attachments. In this case, open the attachment and click the link to access Ariba Buyer.

You can approve or deny requests directly from individual email notifications. However, you cannot approve or deny requests directly from a summary notification. Instead, click the link in the summary notification to display the request in Ariba Buyer and then approve or deny the request.

If someone temporarily delegates approval authority to you, you receive notification messages indicating you have temporary approval authority and asking you to fill in for the regular approver.

With one exception, you cannot turn off notification messages. However, you can control how often you receive them by setting email notification preferences in your user profile.

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Notification messages

Set email notification preferences


Notifications are email messages that Ariba Buyer automatically sends to requesters, approvers, preparers, and administrators to keep them informed of the progress and status of active requests and other documents.

Every notification message describes the purpose of the notification, and most include a link to the relevant request or document in Ariba Buyer, so you can quickly take action or access information.

Your Ariba Buyer system administrator determines the content of notification messages and can include other information. For example, messages might include the entire approval history of a request, or comments that have been added. If your company has enabled email approval, you can also approve or deny requests by clicking the appropriate buttons or links in notification messages. When approving or denying a request from a notification email, you can add comments to the email before sending it; enter your comments only within the indicated comment section of the email. Otherwise, do not enter any text in the body of the email.

If your company has enabled notifications in HTML format, you can set a preference to receive notifications in plain text or HTML format.

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