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Tips   Edit email notification preferences

The frequency with which notifications are sent depends on how often the related scheduled tasks are run; see your Ariba Buyer administrator for more information about scheduled tasks.

You can approve or deny requests directly from individual email notifications. However, you cannot approve or deny requests directly from a summary notification. Instead, click the link in the summary notification to display the request in Ariba Buyer and then approve or deny the request.

Although HTML and plain text notifications contain the same content, the HTML notifications have a more polished format and layout.

Related topics

About notification messages


Screen details

To display the Edit Email Notification Preferences screen, click Change email notification preferences on the Personal Information screen.

  1. Select a document type from the Edit pull-down menu.

    You can set different preferences for different document types. The option Default preferences for all document types also sets preferences for document types not shown in the list.

  2. Specify a notification method for when you are an approver or a watcher.

    You can have notifications sent immediately when they are generated in response to an event or action, or instead have them collected and sent in one batch as a summary notification.

  3. Specify the frequency with which you want notifications sent to you.
    • For documents that you submit, you can have a notification email sent when each approver in the approval flow takes an action, when your document has been fully approved by all approvers in the approval flow, or both.
    • For documents that require your approval or for which you are a watcher, you can have notifications sent:
      • Once, when the document initially appears in your To Do list or, if you are an approver, when your approval is initially overdue.
      • Repeatedly, each time the approval flow is updated, until you approve or deny the document. If you are a watcher, you receive a notification each time an approver approves or denies the document.
      • Never
  4. Select the format (plain text or HTML) in which to receive notifications. This option is available only if your company has enabled HTML format; otherwise, notifications use plain text format.
  5. Click Save to save your changes and return to the previous screen, or Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.

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