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Tips   Edit line items in an CSR

Use this screen to enter or change detailed information for a line item on a contract sourcing request (CSR).

You can change the price of a catalog item to indicate the price you want to pay, which can be lower than the catalog price. The catalog itself is not updated, as the field indicates only a preferred price and not an actual price.

In an amount-based CSR, the Total shown equals the sum of minimum amounts of all line items. In a quantity-based CSR, the Total equals the sum of all line item minimum quantities times their prices.

Related topics

About contract sourcing requests (CSRs)

About the sourcing request process

View line items in a CSR

Submit a CSR for approval

About contracts


Screen details

To display the Edit CSR Line Item screen, click Edit on the View Line Items screen or on the Checkout screen while working with a contract sourcing request (CSR).

  1. Enter or change line item information.
    • If you change item quantities, enter only whole number (non-precision) quantities.
    • If you change the unit of measure (UOM) of a catalog item, a new non-catalog item is added to the CSR and to the related CR. The original catalog item remains on the request (for historical purposes). Use care changing any UOM.
  2. Click Add Comment to enter comments about the line item, Reply to reply to an existing comment, or Delete to delete an existing comment. Click Add Attachment to include an attachment file with your comments. Attachments to a sourcing request can be displayed only in Ariba Contract Compliance; they cannot be accessed or displayed in Ariba Enterprise Sourcing.
  3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the previous screen, or Cancel to return to the previous screen without making changes.

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