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Tips   Contract statuses

As the CR progresses, Ariba Contract Compliance emails notification messages to keep relevant users informed and logs the history onto the History tab.

If you withdraw an CR, its status reverts to Composing, and the action in the History Tab shows that the request was withdrawn.

Depending on your configuration, the Processing and Processed statuses may not be displayed for contracts.

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Contract request statuses



After a contract request (CR) is approved, Ariba Contract Compliance creates the associated contract. As the request moves through the business process, the CR status changes to indicate where it is in the process.

This status Indicates
Created A contract has been created from a contract request (CR), but users cannot yet issue release orders against it. When the contract status is Created, the status of the CR from which it was created is Processed.
Processing If the contract contains non-catalog items, Ariba Contract Compliance creates and loads a subscription for the non-catalog items. Processing is a transitory status and the contract appears to move directly to the Processed status.

If the contract contains non-catalog items, the contract changes to Processed only after Ariba Contract Compliance successfully loads the subscription.


The effective date has passed, the expiration date has not passed, there is a valid available balance, and users with the appropriate privileges can issue release orders against it. When the contract status is Open, the status of the CR from which it was created is Processed.


The expiration date has passed, or there is no longer a valid available balance (because release orders have reached the tolerance amount or quantity specified on the contract), or the Contract Manager has temporarily closed the contract for some business reason (for example, to resolve a contract dispute, or for some other reason). When a contract is closed, users cannot issue release orders against it.

When a contract is closed (by a user, because it has expired, or because it has exceeded the limit), the reason is listed on the History Tab.


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