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Tips   Change the partition of an IR document

You can change the partition of an IR document if the document was initially created using Ariba SN. You must have the EditApprovable permission to edit IR documents.

The new partition is also assigned to documents related to the IR document, such as the invoice, other IR documents, or payment requests.

If you are unsure about which partition to select, see your manager or your Ariba Buyer system administrator.

Related topics

About the invoice reconciliation process

About IR documents

Reconcile invoice exceptions


Screen details

To display the Select New Partition screen, click Change Partition on the Invoice Reconciliations details screen.


The partition in which an invoice is located is based on information from the related orders and supplier, and your system's configuration. Occasionally, you might need to change the partition of an invoice and its related Invoice Reconciliation (IR) document. You can change the partition multiple times, as necessary, until the IR document is approved.

To select a partition for an IR document:

  1. On the IR document details screen, click Change Partition.
    • To display the Change Partition button, on the Reconcile Invoices screen, click Reconcile for an IR document. Or if you search for IR documents, on the Review Search Results screen, click the IR document ID link and then click Edit.
  2. In the Select New Partition screen, select the appropriate partition, or click Back to return to the previous screen without selecting a new partitions.
    • All partitions except the current partition are listed.
    • Only users with access to the selected partition will be able to work with the IR document.
  3. In the Change Partition – Comments screen, explain why you are changing the partition.
  4. Click OK to change the partition or Cancel to return to the IR document details screen without changing the partition.
    • When you change the partition, Ariba Invoice deletes the IR document and its related invoice and other documents from the original partition. It creates a new IR document and related documents, with the same content, in the new partition, and the reconciliation process starts. The IR document is assigned the next available ID number.
    • Comments you entered while changing the partition appear on the Invoice tab of the new IR document. The partition change is also noted on the History tab of the new invoice.

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