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Tips   View line item details of an IR document

If the field is editable, click its link and make the appropriate changes. By default, the price and quantity fields cannot be changed on this screen unless you previously chose to dispute them.

When an exception on a line item is disputed or accepted and the line item's amount is changed, the dependent line items (such as tax or shipping) are reconciled again, to reflect the changed amount.

If there are validation errors associated with a line item, you must resolve the errors by editing the field values.

Related topics

About validation errors

Dispute an exception

Review details of a field


Screen details

To display the Invoice Reconciliation - View Line Item Details screen, click Detail or Edit on the Exception Status or Exceptions Details screens of an Invoice Reconciliation (IR) document.

  • Click any link to see more details about that particular field. If the field is editable, use the pull-down menu or click select to choose the appropriate value.
  • Click Add Comment to add a comment to the line item. If the line item already contains a comment, click Reply or Add Attachment to include additional comments.
  • Click OK to save your changes and return to the previous screen or Cancel to return to the pervious screen without saving the changes.

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