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Tips   Enter additional receipt information

Ariba Buyer reviews the order or contract you are receiving and, if any line items require more information, displays a message describing the information it needs, such as asset data or the reason you rejected an item.

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The Additional Information Needed screen is displayed after you click Submit on the Receive Items screen, if you enter rejection information during the receive step.

  1. Enter additional information for a line item, as directed by Ariba Buyer.
  2. To email a notification message to tell authorized users that you have provided more information, click the Email check box. It's recommended you do so if you reject an item.
  3. To hide this screen in future and instead enter additional receipt information as comments on the Summary screen, click the Always go directly to the summary page check box. This preference takes effect immediately; you must reset preferences to redisplay the screen.
  4. Click Next or Summary to go to the Summary screen to submit the receipt for approval, or click Exit to save or undo your changes, or continue working on the receipt.

    If Ariba Buyer needs information about other line items on the order, it displays this screen for each line item, or displays the Summary screen, if you have chosen to hide this screen.

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