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Tips   View and change log settings

Initial log settings reflect the most verbose logging level for each log category in the config/Parameters.table file and take into account all enabled log listeners.

When you click Save, log settings for all log categories displayed on the pages you visited are applied to the currently selected node.

Changes apply to the console and main log file(s) only. Changes are retained in memory but not saved permanently. If a logical node is shut down or restarted, log settings for that node revert to their initial settings.

In the default configuration, the permissions required to view and change log settings are defined in the workspace configuration files. Permissions can be customized. For more information, see the Ariba Buyer Administrator Customization Guide.

Related topics

About log settings

View log files

Search database log activity

Search database audit activity


Screen details

To display the Log Settings screen, click Log Settings under Server Manager in the Navigation Panel.

  1. Select a logical node to change log settings on that node. Then select a log category from the list to change its logging level. By default, the list includes all log categories except the audit log category.
    • To view all log categories, click List All.
    • To search for a specific log category, enter all or part of the log category name then click Search or press the Enter key.
    • To switch to another node, select the node from the pull-down menu then click Search or press the Enter key.
    • To sort search results by log category, description, or logging level, click a column header. Click the header again to change the sort order, as indicated by the arrow.
    • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  2. Change the logging level for a log category by selecting a new logging level from the pull-down menu. Click Save to apply the change to the currently selected node, or click Cancel to exit the Log Settings task without applying changes.
    • To change the logging level for a log category on all nodes, select a new logging level from the pull-down menu and click Every Node. Then click Save to apply the change to all nodes. Depending on how many nodes are in your configuration, you may notice a slight delay when using Every Node.
    • To turn logging off (to the least verbose setting, Error) for all log categories included in the search results, click All Off. To turn logging on (to the setting Warning), click All On. Then click Save to apply the changes to the currently selected node.
    • If a log category has subcategories, click Sublogs Off to turn off logging for the parent category and its subcategories.
    • To reset logging levels to the last saved settings for the currently selected node, click Reset.

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