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Tips   Edit roles

You can edit one role at a time. To view all shared users and groups that have been assigned a role; and all roles and permissions assigned to the role, either directly or indirectly, click the role name on the Roles screen.

When you click Save, your changes are saved to the database. Objects (such as users, roles, and PCards) with the Adapter Source set to ManuallyMaintained are maintained within your Ariba Spend Management application and not updated by integration events. Objects with the Adapter Source not set to ManuallyMaintained can be overwritten or deleted by integration events. For more information, see About the adapter source.

If you click Save and an out-of-date error is displayed, the object you are editing was deleted or edited by another user. For more information, see About out-of-date objects.

Related topics

Create roles

Export roles

About groups, roles, and permissions

About the adapter source

About out-of-date objects

Assign roles to users

Assign permissions to users

View and disconnect user sessions


Screen details

To display the Roles - Edit Role screen, select a role on the Roles screen and then click Edit.


Depending on the permissions assigned to you, and whether you are in view or edit mode, you may only view details, or you may both view and edit details.

  1. Modify general information. You cannot change the adapter source or the unique name. You can change the display name and the text description for the role.
  2. Assign permissions and subroles to the role, and assign the role to groups and shared users. Click Add/Remove to display available choices.
  3. If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  4. Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
    • A log message is created in the database audit log when a role is edited.

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