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Tips   View and manage groups

An asterisk (*) indicates that data is from a different partition and is therefore read-only.

Access to create and edit groups depends on the permissions assigned to you and whether you are in view or edit mode. If you do not have read or edit permission for a particular group, you may still see the group listed in search results and choosers. However, you cannot view details for that group. If you try to view or edit group details without the proper object-level permissions, an error message is displayed.

In the default configuration, the permissions required to access workspaces and tasks are defined in the workspace configuration files; and the access permissions required to view, create, edit, copy, delete, and export groups are defined in the object manager configuration files. Permissions can be customized, including setting object-level read and edit permission. For more information, see the Ariba Buyer Administrator Customization Guide.

Related topics

Create permissions

Edit permissions

Export permissions

About groups, roles, and permissions

Assign roles to users

Assign permissions to users

View and disconnect user sessions


Screen details

To display the Groups screen, click Groups under User Manager in the Navigation Panel.


Display groups. Initially, no groups are listed.

  • To display all groups in the database, click List All.
  • To display a specific group, enter all or part of a group name and then click Search or press the Enter key. Search fields are case-insensitive.
  • To add or remove search filters, click Add/Remove Search Filters. Then select or deselect the check boxes for the search filters. The search filters labeled Roles, Permissions, and Users search on directly assigned roles, permissions, and users only.
  • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.

View group details:

  • To view details such as the users, roles, and permissions that are assigned to the group, for example, click a group name. When viewing group details, click links to view additional information.
  • To sort search results by group name, click the column header. Click the header again to change the sort order, as indicated by the arrow.

Take other actions:

  • To create a new group in the database, click Create New.
  • To edit a group in the database, click its check box and then click Edit.
    • Editing a group includes users, subgroups, roles, and permissions to the group.
  • To delete one or more groups in the database, click their check boxes and then click Delete. You are asked to confirm your deletions.
  • To export groups to .csv files, click Export. Groups are exported using predefined integration events which do not depend on your login partition or the search filters you specified.

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