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Tips   Add milestones to a contract request

A contract milestone represents an agreed upon deliverable or commitment by the supplier, and is typically tied to a due date and financial payment. Use milestones to provide notifications of key dates associated with the management of a contract including:

  • Annual review of a contract
  • Supplier rebate payments
  • Renewal of insurance policies

Users can verify milestones using milestone trackers (MT), which can trigger Accounts Payable (A/P) to pay fees; milestones that are not completed by a due date can also flag A/P to withhold or adjust payments.

Related topics

About contract milestones

Milestone statuses

About contracts

Add or edit a milestone item

Submit a contract request for approval


Screen details

To display the Milestones screen, click Contract in the Navigation Panel or Create in the central "swoosh" or image on the Home page, and then Contract Request on the Create a New Request screen. After defining the contract, click Milestones.


Use milestones to remind users of important project dates and deliverables.

  • To add a new milestone, click Add items and enter details, including a completion date and verifier name.
  • To edit an existing milestone, click Edit and change any editable field.
  • To exit from the contract and finish working on it later, click Exit.
  • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.

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