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Tips   About the eForm approval flow

As you work on a request, Ariba Buyer displays a running preview of approvals for the request. If there are errors in the request, Ariba Buyer displays those errors, instead of the approval flow chart to help you determine when the request is ready for submission.

When entering an eForm, click any link in the Navigation Panel to go directly to that step.

Related topics

Create a request using a company eForm


Screen details

To display the eForm Approval Flow screen, click the Approval Flow tab in the Summary screen of a company eForm.


The eForm approval flow lists users who must approve the request, and the reason they are included in the approval process. If you decide that additional users should be included in the approval chain, you can add new approvers.

  • Use the Add Approver button to add a new user or role to the approval flow. You are authorized to add approvers if you are the preparer, requester, or an approver. When a request is fully approved, you can no longer add approvers.
  • Click Next to go to the next step in the process, or Summary to go to the Summary screen.

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