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Edit an invoice item

After you add an item to an invoice, you can edit selected fields to change the quantity, accounting, and shipping information.

Related topics

About the invoice process

Create formula pricing

Define formula pricing values


Screen details

To display the Edit Item screen, click Edit when reviewing an item you added to an invoice on the Invoice Items screen.

  1. Change line item details, as necessary.
  2. Change line item accounting information, as necessary.
  3. To spread the cost among multiple accounting groups, click Split Accounting and enter split accounting details.
  4. Change shipping information, as necessary.
  5. Review and add comments.
    • To add comments, click Add Comment.
    • You can view, reply to, or delete existing comments, and specify a file to include as an attachment with the comments.
    • If you reply to a comment, your reply is also sent to the author of the comments to which you are replying.
  6. Click OK to save the changes and return to the previous screen, or Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving changes.

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