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Tips   Force a rejection

To force rejection of IR documents, you must have the permission ForceRejectInvoiceReconciliation.

When you use Force Reject to change the status of an IR document to Rejected, the status of all related payment requests is also changed to Rejected.

Related topics

About invoice permissions

About invoice reconciliation statuses

About IR documents


When the invoice rejection process is interrupted, an Invoice Reconciliation (IR) document can become stalled in the rejection process; the status does not progress beyond Rejecting or Failed Rejecting.

In these cases, a Force Reject button is displayed when viewing the details of an IR document. Click Force Reject to manually force the status from Rejecting or Failed Rejecting to Rejected. The status of the document changes and the rejection process can continue.

When you force a rejection, Ariba Invoice:

  • Assumes you will load a replacement invoice.
  • Sends an update for that invoice back to the supplier through Ariba Supplier Network (Ariba SN). If the initial invoice did not originate from Ariba SN, no update is sent and the Ariba Invoice administrator must manually notify the supplier.

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