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Invoice reconciliation statuses
This status Indicates

An Invoice Reconciliation (IR) document that contains exceptions found during the automatic invoice reconciliation process. Each exception must be manually reconciled before the IR document can move to the next stage of the invoice reconciliation process. When all exceptions are reconciled, the status of the IR document changes to Approving.


An IR document in which all exceptions have been reconciled, or that is being auto-accepted or auto-rejected. Approvers must approve or edit the reconciliations in a document with this status; or approvers must approve the auto-accept or auto-reject actions as appropriate. Once an IR document is fully approved, the status changes to Approved.

Approved An IR document in which all manual reconciliations have been fully approved. The approved IR document's status immediately changes to Paying if it was marked for payment, or Rejecting if it was marked for rejection.

An approver has rejected an IR document and the invoice will not be paid. This information is send back to the supplier through Ariba Supplier Network (Ariba SN), at which time the supplier might send a corrected invoice. If the initial invoice did not originate from Ariba SN, an update is not sent; the administrator must notify the supplier manually.

When the Ariba Buyer rejection work flow has finished rejecting the invoice, the status changes to Rejected. An administrator can also use the Force Reject command to change the status to Rejected. This command is available only to users with the ForceRejectInvoiceReconciliation permission.


An approver has rejected a reconciliation and the rejection work flow has finished rejecting the IR document. The Rejected status is final.

Failed Rejecting

An approver has rejected an IR document but the rejecting operation failed and the IR document's status did not change to Rejected.

An administrator with the appropriate permission can use the Force Reject command to change the status of the IR document to Rejected.


An IR document is fully approved and has been marked for payment. The invoice will be paid (or short-paid). The related payment request is automatically approved and the payment process begins.

An administrator can manually change the status to Paid using the Force Pay command. This command is available only to users with the ForcePayInvoiceReconciliation permission.


An IR document for which a payment request has been sent, or the payment process has been started. This is the final status for an IR document and cannot be changed. This status appears only if Ariba Invoice is configured to support it.

When the IR document's status changes to Paid, Ariba Buyer sends a status update for the initial invoice to the supplier through the Ariba Supplier Network (Ariba SN). If the initial invoice did not originate from Ariba SN, an update is not sent; the administrator must notify the supplier manually.

Failed Paying

The payment operation for an IR document failed. The IR document's corresponding payment request has a status of Failed Sending.

An administrator with the appropriate permission can use the Force Pay command to change the status of the IR document to Paid. An IR document's status can also be changed to Paid when the associated payment request is sent using the Force Send command.

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