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Tips   Reject an Invoice Reconciliation (IR) document

When the rejection is approved, Ariba Buyer updates the invoice status through Ariba Supplier Network (Ariba SN). It is the supplier's responsibility to send a corrected invoice.

If the the invoice did not originate from Ariba SN, no update is made and the Ariba Buyer administrator is responsible for communicating the rejection to the supplier.

Related topics

About the invoice reconciliation process

About invoice permissions

About notification messages

About IR documents


Screen details

To display the Reject Invoice screen, click Reject on the Invoice Reconciliation screen.


Confirm that you are rejecting an Invoice Reconciliation (IR) document because it contains unacceptable exceptions.

  1. Enter comments to explain why you are rejecting the invoice, or click Add Attachment to attach an additional document.
  2. Click Submit to submit the rejected invoice for approval, or click Cancel to return to the Invoice Reconciliation screen.

    An email notification is sent to users who have the Invoice Rejection Email permission, notifying them of the rejection.

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