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Tips   Reconcile charges

Ariba Buyer can be configured to auto-approve charges that aren't manually resolved within a certain time frame, in order to close the general ledger before the accounting period closes. See your system administrator or manager for information about your company's business process related to auto-approving charges.

Related topics

About the purchasing card process

About purchasing card reconciliations

Select charges


Screen details

To display the Reconcile Charges screen, click Charges in the Reconcile section of the Navigation Panel on the Home page.


You can select charges to manually reconcile based on card type or PCard Charge Reconciliation (PCR) document:

  • To reconcile charges by card type, click a card type, such as Expense Card. The related charges are displayed on the Select Charges screen, so you can select specific charges to reconcile.
  • To reconcile charges by PCR, click a PCR ID number. When Ariba Buyer is unable to automatically reconcile a charge because it is out of tolerance or violates company rules, it creates a PCR. Only authorized users can manually resolve PCRs.
  • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.

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