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Tips   Edit a travel line item

The fields displayed depend on the expense type. For example, an Airfare expense includes a field for the airline name, and a Breakfast expense includes a field for the restaurant name.

Depending on your configuration, the summary table in the Navigation Panel either lists each item associated with the request or groups items by expense type. When listed by item, if errors or policy violations are indicated, you can click the icon to edit the item. The item you are currently viewing is highlighted.

Related topics

About the travel authorization process

Convert currency

Add attachments to a request

Review policy guideline violations


Screen details

To display the Edit Line Item screen, in the Summary screen when creating a travel authorization, click Action and then select Edit Item Details next to a travel item. Or select the travel item check box and then click Edit.

  1. Edit line item details:
    • Enter a different Type.
    • Edit the description, amount or date.
    • Change the currency.
    • Verify or change the exchange rate.
    • Enter the name of the city where the expense occurred.
    • Enter information in any other fields as requested.
  2. Change accounting information:
    • To edit the line item accounting details, click Edit.
    • To divide the expense among multiple accounts, click Split Accounting.
  3. To enter additional information, click Add Comment. Once you add a comment, the View, Reply, Add Attachment and Delete links are available.
  4. Click OK to save the information, or Cancel to discard the changes and revert to the original values.

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