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Tips   Create a mapping between commodity code domains

Commodity code maps are bidirectional, although you must take into account the from and to directions in a map when searching for commodity code maps in Ariba Buyer Administrator.

You cannot create commodity code maps between commodity codes in the same domain.

If two commodity code domains are mapped together, and a commodity code value in the first domain does not map directly with a commodity code value in the target domain, the system walks up the parent chain in the source tree to look for a mapping. In this way, you can map commodity codes at a higher level in the hierarchy instead of having to map them one-to-one.

You can create commodity code map entries between commodity codes that are not currently loaded. In this way you can create commodity code maps between domains without loading the actual commodity codes in those domains. However, the actual commodity codes in the system domain at the end of the mapping chain must be loaded for Ariba Buyer to work with them, for example, in requisitions and contracts.

Related topics

Create commodity codes

Edit commodity codes

View and manage commodity code maps

View and manage partitioned commodity codes


Screen details

To display the Create Mapping Between Domains screen, click Create New on the Commodity Codes - Create screen or the Commodity Codes - Edit screen.

  1. To create a mapping from the commodity code you are working with to a commodity code in another domain, select the destination commodity code domain using the Domain To pull-down menu.
  2. Specify a commodity code value for the commodity code domain you selected.
    • If you know the commodity code ID, enter it directly in the Value To text field. Verify that the commodity code ID is correct to ensure there are no errors in the map entry.
    • If you do not know the commodity code ID, use the pull-down menu for the Value To field to select a commodity code name. The corresponding commodity code ID is automatically displayed.
  3. Click Done to add the new commodity code map entry to the commodity code you are working with, or Cancel to return to the previous screen without adding the new commodity code map entry.

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