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Tips   Export shared users

Shared users are exported using predefined integration events which do not depend on your login partition or the search filters specified on the Shared Users screen.

The directory location for exported .csv files is specified in the export integration event. By default, exported files are saved in the /config/variants/variant
directory for the target partition.

By default, exported files have the suffix _Export appended to the filename. The original files are not overwritten. To reload data from exported files using integration events, you must first change the filename to remove the suffix. If there is no data to be exported, the exported file will contain column titles only.

For more information on export integration events, see the Ariba Buyer Data Load Guide.

Related topics

View and manage shared users

Create shared users

Edit shared users

Assign roles to users

Assign permissions to users

View and disconnect user sessions


Screen details

To display the Shared Users - Export screen and export shared users, click Export on the Shared Users screen.

  1. Select a partition from which to export shared users to .csv files. Data exported to partition/None is nonpartitioned. When exporters are configured on one or more partitions, select All Partitions to export on all partitions simultaneously.
    • The Integration Event column lists the predefined export integration event(s) that export shared user data.
    • The Partition column indicates the target partition to which data will be exported.
    • The Description column indicates the filename(s) of exported data.
    • The Status column indicates the status of the export integration events. Click the status to view details and the history of past runs.
    • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  2. Click Start Export to start exporting, or click Done to return to the previous screen.
  3. Click OK to confirm the export, or Cancel to return to the previous page without exporting shared users.
    • The predefined export integration events export shared users.
    • By default, objects whose adapter source is set to ManuallyMaintained are not exported.
    • A log message is created in the database audit log when data is exported.

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