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Tips   Review search results

If you search by Date Submitted, the search results might include requests whose status is Composing, which indicates the requests were submitted or approved (if the approved request specified a delay purchase until date) and later withdrawn. Click an ID and then display the History tab to see when the request was withdrawn.

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can copy one or more requests in the search results, and then view or edit them in the Composing folder.

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To display the Review Search Results screen, click Search on the Searches screen or the Edit Search screen.


Review the results of a search:

  • To save and use the search settings in the future, click Save Search.
  • To change the search category, filters, or filter values, click Refine Search.
  • To view details about or take action on items included in the search results, click the related links for the item. For example, if you click the ID for a direct order whose status is Receiving, you can view details about the order and receive the item.
  • To copy or delete one or more items in the search results, click the check box for the item and then click Copy or Delete.
  • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.

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