Ariba Online Help
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Tips   About searching

To access searches, click Searches in the Navigation Panel on the Home page.

You can copy one or more requests from the search results, and view the copied requests in the Composing folder.

If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data, or export rows of data to Excel.

If you have the SearchManager permission, system searches you create appear in all partitions and are available to all users, with one exception: a system search that uses a filter that is not available in a partition will not be visible in that partition. If you want the system search to be visible, remove the filter from the search criteria.

Related topics

About permissions

Create a search

Edit a search

Review search results

Save a search

Select filters for a search

Run a saved or system search


Searches are an efficient way to locate specific requests. For example, you can create searches to locate requests that you created for yourself or on behalf of another user, or that contain items over a certain value.

Searches that you create are called saved searches and are available only to you. Searches created by your Ariba Buyer system administrator (or any user with the permission of SearchManager) are called system searches and are available to all users.

When you run a search, only the data that you are authorized to access is searched. Also, if you run a search that uses a filter specific to the partition you are in, other partitions are not searched. Likewise, if the search uses a partition-specific filter, you can save it only in the current partition. However, if the search does not contain partition-specific filters, you can save the run the search from any partition that you have access to.

If you have the QueryAll permission, you can search for and access all requests for all users. Otherwise, you can search and access only those requests that:

  • You created
  • A user created on your behalf
  • A user created on behalf of any of your direct reports, or any others who are under you in your management hierarchy
  • List you in the approval flow, either by name or by role (for example, if you are a PCard Manager)

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