Ariba Online Help
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Tips   Run a saved or system search

The search results include only requests you created for yourself or on behalf of another user, and those for users who are under your supervision.

Saved Searches are searches that you created and are available only to you. System Searches are searches created by a Ariba Buyer system administrator (or any user with the permission of SearchManager) and are available to all users.

Related topics

About searching

Create a search

Edit a search

Review search results


Screen details

To display the Searches screen, click Searches in the Navigation Panel on the Home page, or click Explore in the central "swoosh" or image and then click Searches.


Click Search for the saved search or system search you want to run. The current partition is searched for items that match the search criteria and the search results are displayed for review.

You can also:

  • Click Create a New Search or, if you are the Ariba Buyer administrator, Create a New System Search to create a search.
  • Click a search name to edit the search. You must have the necessary permission to edit a system search.
  • Click the check boxes for one or more searches and then click Delete to delete the searches. You must have the necessary permission to delete a system search.
  • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.

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