Ariba Online Help
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Tips   Edit a search

If you have QueryAll permission, you can search for requests for every user in the current partition.

Related topics

About searching

Select filters for a search

Save a search

Review search results

Run a saved or system search


Screen details

To display the Edit Search screen, click the title of a search on the Searches screen.

  1. Modify the name of the search. Use a unique name that is easy to distinguish from other names.
  2. Select a different category to search, such as Requisition or User Profile Update.
  3. Click Add/Remove Search Filters and select different search criteria.
  4. Specify a value for each filter.

    If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.

  5. Click Search to search for items that match the search criteria, and display the search results for review.

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