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Tips   Submit a purchase requisition for approval

If you are familiar with how to create and submit purchase requisitions, use the Checkout screen to create and submit a requisition in one step. Otherwise, complete each step listed in the Navigation Panel and then use the Checkout screen to review and add comments before you submit the requisition for approval.

This screen also appears when you edit a requisition that has a status of Composing, or when you edit a requisition that you are approving.

If you submit a request that contains items from a catalog that is no longer available, a message appears indicating a line item contains invalid fields. However, when you view the line items, no invalid fields are displayed (because, in fact, the fields no longer exist). To verify the problem, submit the request again; a message indicates the catalog item is deleted or no longer available.

A Deleted Line Items section appears on the Checkout screen when you delete items from a requisition whose status is Ordered and save the requisition without submitting it; or when an order associated with a requisition has been changed to delete items or canceled, and the change or cancel order cannot be pushed to an ERP system. To undo one or more deletions and add the items back to the requisition, click the item check boxes and then click Undo Deletion.

Related topics

About the purchase requisition process

Add catalog items

Add non-catalog items

Add approvers

Requisition statuses

Change purchase orders

Cancel purchase orders


Screen details

To display the Checkout screen, click Checkout on the Shopping Cart screen or in the Navigation Panel while working with a purchase requisition.

  1. Review or add basic information.
    • Click the Approval Flow tab to review assigned approvers, and to add or delete approvers.
    • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.
  2. Review line item information.
    • Click Show Details or Hide Details to display or hide detailed information about the line items, such as the supplier or contact person.
    • Click the check box for one or more items and then click Edit, Copy, or Delete to edit, copy, or delete the selected items.
    • Click Add items to order additional items.
    • Click error messages to review and fix errors on catalog items. If errors are present, you must fix them before submitting the requisition.
    • The Type column and icons indicate the line item type; for example, a catalog item.
  3. If you changed the quantity of one or more items, click Update Total to recalculate the requisition total.
  4. Specify where the order is to be shipped, and by when.

    If this requisition is not for goods items but is for services, expenses, or fees, the Ship To field is the location where the service will be performed or the expense or fee will be incurred, and the Deliver To field is the requester. If the order will be pushed to SAP, and the Need By field was not set at the item level, you must set it at the requisition level.

  5. Add or review comments.
  6. Enter comments that might help approvers evaluate the request. Click Add Attachment to include an attachment file with your comments. Click Delete to delete an existing comment.

  7. Submit or save changes.
  8. Click Submit to submit the request for approval or Exit to stop working with it. When you submit the request, it has a status of Submitted and is listed on the Submitted screen. If you exit and choose to save the request, it has a status of Composing and is listed on the Composing screen. You can edit the request at a later time and then submit it for approval.

    If you are an approver editing a requisition, click Save to save your changes. You can then view a status screen from which you can approve or deny the requisition.

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