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Tips   View folder details

When a folder item has the status Ordered, click the status to see the order fulfillment status, if the order has been routed through Ariba Supplier Network (Ariba SN).

If you delete a folder item whose status is Composing, the item is permanently deleted from Ariba Buyer. If you delete an approved or denied item, or one for which you are a watcher, the item is not permanently deleted and can be retrieved by searching.

Related topics

Explore folders

About folders

View request status

View order fulfillment status

Requisition statuses


Screen details

To display the View Folder Details screen, click a folder name on the Explore Folders screen


You can review folders, in relation to other folders, and review the number and types of items in a folder. For example, you can review a folder item's creation date and status. You can also:

  • Click a folder item's ID number to see its details.
  • Copy one or more folder items: click an item's check box and then click Copy. Copies are listed in the Status Items folder. Ariba Buyer assigns the copy a unique ID number and automatically updates any existing line items in the copy with current prices and descriptions.
  • Delete one or more folder items: click an item's check box and then click Delete.
    • In the Status Items folder, you can delete only items that have a status of Composing. You can delete a submitted or approved request (if a delay purchase until date was specified on the request) by first withdrawing it (which changes the status to Composing) and then deleting it.
    • Depending on how Ariba Buyer is configured, you can delete from the Approve Items folder any items that you have already approved or denied as a required approver. You can also delete items for which you are a watcher. Otherwise, you can delete only items that have a status of Composing.
    • Depending on how Ariba Buyer is configured, you can delete from the Archive Items folder or a personal folder any item that does not have a status of Submitted. Otherwise, you can delete only items that have a status of Composing.
    • If you delete an item that is in multiple folders, deleting from any single folder causes the request to be deleted from all folders.
  • Move a folder item to a different folder: click the item's check box, select a folder from the pull-down menu and click Move.
  • Create a shortcut in another folder for a folder item: click the item's check box, select the folder in which you want to create the shortcut, click the Create Shortcut check box, and then click Move. The item remains in the current folder, and the item's shortcut is created in the selected folder. When you view or edit the shortcut, you are actually viewing or editing the original item.

    If the item you moved, or for which you created a shortcut, was created in a different partition than the one in which you're working, and if the selected folder exists on that partition, the item or shortcut is located there. If the selected folder does not exist on that partition, the item or shortcut is located in the Archive Items folder on that partition.

  • If available, click the Table Options icon, located in the row above the column headers, to display commands that control the display of data in the table. For example, you can hide or show columns of data; group data; or export data to Excel.

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