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Tips   View payment transaction details

You must have the PaymentAdministrator or PaymentManager permission to work with payment requests and payment transactions.

You can void (or cancel) payments when necessary. You can void only payments whose status is Scheduled.

When you void a payment transaction (PMT), the payment requests included on the PMT are automatically put on hold.

Related topics

About the payment process

About remittance data

Void payment transactions

Explore payments


Screen details

To display the Payment Transaction Details screen, click a payment transaction ID link on the Completed tab of the Payments screen.

  1. Review payment transaction details. Click any link to view related information.
  2. Take an action, if necessary, or click Exit to return to the previous screen without taking any action.
    • To void the payment, click Void Payment.
    • To manually force payment when the payment is stalled in the system with a status of Paying, click Force Payment.
    • To manually cancel the payment when the payment is stalled in the system with a status of Canceling, click Force Cancel.

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